Name Tuning

We calculate the numerical value of your name and let

you know how you can make tuning of your name.



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Real Name, Nick Name, and Most Used Name Numerology

The numerology of your name tuning reveals your destiny. The birth name is closely related to our destiny, character, our skills, and other important factors. As per the numerology, a name has a powerful influence on one’s life.

Every letter of a name has a numeric value and the Numerologists calculate the numbers related to your name and birth date in order to assess your character, purpose in life, skills, motivation points, and more. Master numerologists also use these numbers to predict the best time for major changes in life.

When a person is born under the influence of a negative number and has given an unsuitable name, he/she would face struggle and strife in life. There should be a tuning of name and birth date for the wellbeing of life.

Importance of Naming

The most basic factors such as astrological, numerological compatibility, nationality, religion and gender of the child are taken into consideration during naming the child in India.

If your life is not going as expected, meet us, we will calculate your core numbers and let you know the exact reason for disturbance of life. When necessary, we will suggest you alter your name as per numerology.

What You Can Expect From Us

Trusted & Experienced

Ideal Consultancy is known for trusted services. We are experienced enough to offer you world-class numerological services. You can rely on us without any issue.


We offer reliable services to our existing as well as to new clients. We keep transparency and do not present wrong facts in order to make money.


We keep your data confidential therefore, you can count on us when you hand over your personal information to us. We are very serious about our privacy policy.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We ensure the best results of numerology. Whether you want to know about your business-related luck or personal life luck as per numerology, we are available for providing best services.